“Know Your Grow”

We are committed to providing Botanical Knowledge with fast, accurate and reliable product testing.

  • It’s 420 Somewhere!

    Cannabis Culture: What is 420 and where did it come from?  As of April 2023, New Mexico marks one full year of recreational cannabis alongside 16 years of medical cannabis. The acceptance of cannabis is slowly increasing with new and returning users looking at cannabis in a way they never did. In this article, the…

  • Cannabis vs. Marijuana vs. Hemp 

    Cannabis vs. Marijuana vs. Hemp  What’s the difference?  Related words like hemp, marijuana and cannabis can seem interchangeable. It is often misunderstood that they come from the same plant. Their chemical components and physical attributes are what differentiate them.   How is Hemp different from Marijuana?  In the United States, the level of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is…

  • Why are QC (Quality Control) Testing Labs Important in New Mexico?

    QC testing laboratories play a crucial role in supplying information about the safety and quality of cannabis products. Batch samples and products are analyzed to meet New Mexico’s regulations thereby supporting the industry’s growth and development. Before accepting manufacturers’ and producers’ material, QC testing labs have internal compliance standards to meet.  By following approved protocols,…